
Journey into the Ocean as a mercat of three clans, but beware - age-old rivalries have begun to churn the waves, and war is certain to bring change and blood into the seafoam. It's up to you to decide if SpireClan, BreamClan, and WraithClan will withstand the Ocean's greatest chance yet

Mod Adeline
discord: mars#6130
tumblr: @chromye

Mod Maple
discord: juple#8543
tumblr: @jewishcinderpelt

We're dedicated to making sure you have a fun and comfortable time in Fathom, whether it be as a spectator or an rper. If you would like to contact us for any reason or learn more about us you're welcome to visit our individual tumblrs above or contact us @fathomwcrp.

The art pictured on this page is by retired Mod Rebe, @thunderc1an!


We ask that you respect members, including using the correct pronouns and honoring the blacklist. Discussion of/triggering topics may not be roleplayed or the subject of conversation outside of vent. For the comfort of all members, no nsfw jokes, language, discussions or imagery (including icons) are allowed.

During rp or in character biographies, if you're going to mention self hate/panic attacks/abuse we ask that you first ask your rp partner for permission, and tag it with the use of the spoiler feature.


Fathom is a story about how there are old ideas in our everyday lives that are used to justify prejudice, ones that we often don't blink an eye at. Our mod team is of color, and we put a lot of thought into how these themes would be handled and percieved in rp. We ask, and trust, that you do too by keeping the following in mind.
Surface clan cats are oppressors. They benefit from oppression and enforce it, whether they mean to or not, even if they are not written as prejudiced themselves.WraithClan, deep sea cats, suffer because of this. They are explicitly coded as people of color.
This means you need to do your own research and avoid tropes such as the white savior complex within your own characters. This writing blog is an excellent place to start. It also means roleplaying cats that blatantly hate WraithClan or are extremists against them is writing a supremacist coded character. We don't really understand why you'd like to roleplay a cat like that, and we ask that you don't. The villains of this story will be handled by mods and various NPCs.

( Made with Carrd )